About US
The Box Gallery is 830 square feet of space designed for exhibitions that reveal Kansas City’s cultural arts and history. We partner with local artists, collectors, arts organizations, businesses, and universities to bring a year-round calendar of exhibitions. Our mission is to serve a Downtown audience of residents, workers, and visitors with creative shows that will enliven, enlighten, and engage.
The Box Gallery is located on the first floor of the Commerce Bank Building at 1000 Walnut Street, Kansas City, Missouri. Admission is always free and open to the public Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Free parking is available for gallery visitors in the Commerce Bank Building Garage, 1025 Main Street. Once parked, take the garage elevator to the 2nd floor and enter the building. Please request a parking validation sticker at the Security Office near the escalators.
KCADC Creative Crossroads exhibit with photography by Cameron Gee in 2012